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School Uniform

When children are in school they are part of a community and by wearing a simple school uniform we hope to promote a feeling of equality, partnership and belonging.  We will therefore strongly encourage school uniform for all children.

The school colours and clothing are as follows:

 Grey skirt/pinafore         or      Grey/black trousers       or      Grey/black shorts

Light blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse

School sweatshirt/cardigan (royal blue with school logo)

*Royal Blue Fleece with school logo (outdoor wear only)

*Pale blue check/striped dress in the summer

* These items are optional.

PE Kit

Inside Kit                                Outside Kit

Plain White t-shirt                      Long PE trousers in black, navy or grey

Black or Navy shorts                  PE Sweatshirt in black, navy or grey

                                              Daps or trainers


* These items are optional.

School uniform can be purchased from the Monkhouse shop in Swindon town centre, The Plaza, Sanford Street or online at


Book bags at £7.50 and PE bags at £4.50 are available from the school office.

For Health and Safety reasons jewellery is not permitted with the exception of inexpensive watches and stud or sleeper earrings. Children will be asked to remove earrings for PE/Games. Please make sure that they are able to do this independently